Roadside Cleanup – Oct 12th

Let’s all lend a hand to help keep our section of Route 340 clean.  We meet at the entrance to Skyline Drive at 9:30am for coffee & donuts.  Cleanup starts at 10am.  Your children are welcome to participate with your direct supervision.

Council Meetings

The Council has two meetings each month, usually held in Padre Pio Hall.

  • Membership Meeting (2nd Wednesday of each month) starts with dinner at 6:30pm, we pray the Rosary at 7:10pm and the meeting starts at 7:30pm (usually lasting about an hour); the District Deputy and Field Agent usually attend
  • Business Meeting (4th Wednesday of each month) starts with dinner at 6:30pm; the meeting starts at 7pm and provides a forum for more detailed discussion of upcoming event and projects / topics under development

All Knights are welcome to attend these meetings.

Council Officers for FY2025

Congratulations to those members selected to lead the Council in Fraternal Year 2025.  The elected officers are as follows:

Catholic Education Tuition Assistance (CETA)

St. John the Baptist’s parents have a variety of education options for their children.  However, the cost of some choices challenge family budgets.  The Catholic Education Tuition Assistance (CETA) program provides financial assistance to those families who apply (click here for a copy of the application) and are found most deserving.  Please support the effort to provide our children with the education they deserve.  Visit to make an immediate gift or set up a recurring donation through Faith Direct (

A pamphlet is available to learn more about CETA.

2024 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activities

Your efforts on behalf of the Council’s charitable works are greatly appreciated.  Please report your individual efforts through the “2024 Survey of Fraternal Activities” or by contacting Brother Leo Carling (540-631-7555).

Please enter your hours for events as they occur.  Project leaders are encouraged to record the hours for their event participants.

The summary of data is reported to the Supreme Council which aggregates the information to demonstrate the World-wide impact of our brotherhood.

Support the Prison Ministry in Warren County

Approximately 200 men and women incarcerated in the RSW Regional Jail are released every year.  These people need models of Christianity to help them return to the community as worthy citizens.  A few hours of your time could make a permanent difference in their lives.  They need guidance and practical support to obtain basic aspects of life (e.g. clothing, a place to live, work and transportation arranged by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington) as well as mentorship.  If you are interested in learning more, visit the Diocese’s Prison Ministry website or contact Chris Manion (540-635-9166).

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar and reach out to the Council’s POC to offer your assistance.  No POC? If you’re called to do so, please step up.